2020 - now
__Teacher; teacher Methodology Electric Bass and Double Bass at Prins Claus Conservatorium, Groningen.
2019 - now
__Audio mixing and audio production; working with in Ableton Live Suite
2018 - now
__Teacher at Stichting Sparklab. Art and Philosophy lessons for children under the age of 12.
__Custom framemaker at Richards, Groningen
2017 - now
__Creative Coding; microcontrollers, Arduino, ESP, C++, Processing.
2017(september - december) and 2019(april - december)
__Impresario; contactperson of the impresario at Prins Claus Conservatorium, Groningen.
2015 - now
__Classic Jamming; Artistic Director of Classic Jamming. Monthly jamsession for Classical Musicians in Groningen. Founder of the ImproMachine.
2015 - now
__Artist; visual art and interdisciplinary art.
2015 - now
__Teacher; elective teacher of improvised music at Prins Claus Conservatorium, Groningen.
2014 - now
__Graphic design; posters, booklets, logo's, photo's and more.
2006 - now
__Guitar builder; making and repair of (experimental) stringed instruments.
2009 - 2014
__Prins Claus Conservatorium, Groningen, jazz music (double bass) + teaching degree. (Cum Grano Salis)
__Klassieke Academie, Groningen, summercourse etching and woodcut printing.
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